Two Roberts Creek residents will be heading to Caracus, Venezuela this January to take part in the upcoming World Social Forum (WSF).
The sixth annual gathering, the WSF is an open meeting where social justice activists around the world come together to share ideas, learn from each other and network together to help create alternatives to current economic policies and practices.
The WSF is also characterized by plurality and diversity, is non-denominational and non-governmental and is not aligned with party politics. It is not a group nor an organization, but instead intends to facilitate decentralized networking among groups and people engaged in concrete action toward building a better world. To this end, even the WSF itself has decentralized; for the first time the Forum will be polycentric, taking place simultaneously in Venezuela, Mali and Pakistan.
David Barbarash, founder of the Black Cat Café film and discussion series, and Nadi Fleschhut of One Earth Society, are teaming up to head to Caracus to learn and share common visions for a more humane and compassionate world. They hope to bring back ideas, stories, news and film to share with the Sunshine Coast community.
"It is of particular interest to me that this forum is being held in Venezuela, because we are witnessing events unfold in that country that should give even the most cynical person hope that a better world is possible," said Barbarash. "The Venezuelan people have shown the world what a determined citizenry can do to overcome oppression, poverty and despair."
To help Barbarash and Fleschhut get to Venezuela, a benefit fundraiser film screening will be held at the Heritage Playhouse on Tuesday, Nov. 29. The film Venezuela Bolivariana documents the rise and popularity of Hugo Chavez, the current leader of the Bolivariana revolution. From the people's uprising against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank policies in 1989 to Chavez rising from the military in 1992 to his recent electoral victories and his return to power in the historic coup of April 13, 2002, this film documents a popular leader and a popular people's movement for justice and equality.
For more information on the film and tickets call 604-886-2780 or email [email protected].