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Living on the Ring of Fire

Geology of the Sunshine Coast will be the topic of the next meeting of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society, with John Newell as guest speaker at 7:30 p.m. on March 3 at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre.

Geology of the Sunshine Coast will be the topic of the next meeting of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society, with John Newell as guest speaker at 7:30 p.m. on March 3 at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre. Refreshments will be served and guests are welcome.

Newell immigrated to Canada after graduating from London University in 1956. He was based in B.C. for most of his 30-year career in mineral exploration. However, at one time or another, he worked in most of the other Canadian provinces and north of 60, in the U.S. and, on shorter assignments, in South and Central America, Europe, East Africa and the Middle East. After stints in Denver and Toronto, he returned to B.C. in 1987 and eased himself into retirement while editing publications for the Geological Survey in Victoria and working on his bird list.

His talk, Geology of the Sunshine Coast - Living on the Ring of Fire, will attempt to show why the Coast looks the way it does, by looking at our local geology in the context of shifting continents, mountain building and continuous climate change.