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Join the fun and roll for hope

On Sunday, June 12, people of all ages and abilities from the Sunshine Coast are invited to participate in the third annual Rick Hansen Wheels In Motion event, presented by Scotiabank, to be held at Mason Place store in West Sechelt at 11:30 a.m.

On Sunday, June 12, people of all ages and abilities from the Sunshine Coast are invited to participate in the third annual Rick Hansen Wheels In Motion event, presented by Scotiabank, to be held at Mason Place store in West Sechelt at 11:30 a.m.

People all over the country will wheel, bike, skate, run and walk in their communities to create a brighter future for the countless men, women and children living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the many newly-injured every year.

"Bring your friends, family and co-workers," says event leader Wendy Comeau. "Every Canadian can help make a difference by getting involved in a Rick Hansen Wheels In Motion event in their community. It's a great way to support a valuable cause, meet new people in your community and have fun."

Half the net proceeds is directed to priority needs identified to improve the quality of life for people with SCI on the Sunshine Coast. The other half is directed towards research that improves everyday life and ultimately leads to a cure.

The Rick Hansen Man In Motion Foundation's mission is to accelerate improvements to the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury. Since Rick Hansen's epic Man In Motion World Tour (1985-87), the Foundation has made an impact of over $158 million in support of people with SCI.

Registration starts at 11:30 a.m. with the event to follow at noon.

The event is a walk/run/bike for all ages and abilities with a variable of 2 to 8.8 km to suit everyone's fitness level. This event is wheelchair accessible. Following the event, there will be a hot dog barbecue sponsored by the Lions Club at 1 p.m.

Registration forms are available at Curves, Progressive Physio, Mason Place Store, On The Edge Bike Shop and Trail Bay Source for Sports.

For more information, contact Comeau at 604-885-7929 or email [email protected].

Additional information can be found at [email protected].