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Join in on the climate change action

Our climate is changing. The facts of climate science demonstrate that we are the major cause through our emissions of greenhouse gases. Many parts of the world are mobilizing to change.

Our climate is changing. The facts of climate science demonstrate that we are the major cause through our emissions of greenhouse gases. Many parts of the world are mobilizing to change. Across Canada communities and their local governments are tackling this challenge.

In 2007, the provincial government set province-wide targets to reduce total GHG emissions from 2007 levels by six per cent by 2012 and 33 per cent by 2020.

The local plan to get there is called the CEEP - short for Community Energy and Emissions Plan. Adopted in 2010 it provides a framework to support us in reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions.

The CEEP identifies areas of waste, inefficiency and cost savings. Our 2007 emissions and energy use from key sources like buildings, vehicles and solid waste amounted to $100 million spent and 350,000 tonnes of GHGs annually.

While there is no silver bullet to reduce our energy and emissions, the CEEP identifies several key action areas where we can take steps now.

This includes: foster a culture of conservation in the community; strengthen the local economy; enhance the green building sector; reduce our dependence on single-occupant vehicles; expand local renewable energy opportunities and support energy-efficient land-use practices

On April 13 at the Raven's Cry Theatre and April 14 at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre, join in the challenge as we celebrate success stories, share initiatives, and explore examples from other B.C. communities. Hear guest speakers, visit displays and enjoy food and music. Visit for more information. To register, send us a short note at [email protected] and confirm the day(s) you are attending or call us at 604-886-6806.
