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Input needed for proposed seniors home

The Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities group is eyeing waterfront property for a potential seniors' home in Sechelt, but they want to hear what the community desires for the site before they make any plans to build.

The Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities group is eyeing waterfront property for a potential seniors' home in Sechelt, but they want to hear what the community desires for the site before they make any plans to build.

"The Sunshine Coast is a unique community, and we want to make sure we understand what makes it unique for seniors and find out what kind of features they would like to see in a retirement community in Sechelt," said company president Peter Gaskill.

In an effort to find out what the community wants, Pacific Arbour is hosting five focus group sessions on the Sunshine Coast starting next week with three in Sechelt, one in Madeira Park and one in Gibsons. The focus group meetings are on Jan. 24 at 10 a.m. at the Sechelt Seniors' Centre and 7 p.m. at Greencourt Hall; on Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. at Greencourt Hall; on Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. at the Music School in Madeira Park; and on Jan. 27 at 10 a.m. at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.

"We want to know things like if the site is appealing to people, if the proximity to services is acceptable and if people outside Sechelt would consider moving to Sechelt to live in the retirement community," Gaskill said.

Gaskill's group has put in an option to purchase three lots on Sechelt's waterfront next to Snickett Park and across from the provincial courthouse for the proposed seniors' home. The site is currently zoned residential and would need to be rezoned to allow Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities to build there.

"We want [the seniors' home] to be shaped by the community because that will make sure we have the best chance of success giving the people what they actually want," Gaskill said.

After the focus group sessions have been completed, Pacific Arbour will bring in an architect to design the building before meeting with planning staff from the District of Sechelt and applying for a rezoning and official community plan amendment. At that point, Gaskill said more public meetings would take place to present the proposed plan and get more feedback.

For more information on Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities and their previous projects, go to