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Hundreds turn out for Sunshine Coast Lions Club Polar Bear Swim

The area around Trail Bay Pier in Sechelt was packed with swimmers and spectators for the annual cold-water plunge.

Hundreds of swimmers and spectators packed the beach and pier at the Trail Bay today, Jan. 1, for the 29th Annual Sunshine Coast Lions Club Polar Bear Swim.

Included in the brave swimmers were families, individuals and members of the Blue Titty Committee, a group of cold-water swimmers who brave the elements to wade into the ocean once or twice a week, year-round.

And while some ran out of the water just as fast as they ran in, others lingered. According to the website, the water temperature in Sechelt today was 8.6-C, considered "unacceptable for swimming."

“But hardened people can afford to be in such water for five to 10 minutes,” the website suggested.

Meanwhile, the temperature outside was 4-C, which even had some of the spectators shivering. The good news was, the rain held off for the afternoon.

The event was sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Lions Club.