The labour woes continue at Howe Sound Pulp and Paper (HSPP).
Just weeks after announcing the layoff of 101 employees, HSPP is cutting back its newsprint production due to shrinking demand in newsprint markets.
Over the next three weeks, HSPP will reduce newsprint production by 7,500 tonnes.
The curtailment is in two steps - a three-day maintenance shutdown that took place between March 30 and April 1, and a complete paper mill shut down from April 12 to 20.HSPP operates a kraft pulp and newsprint mill at Port Mellon with an annual production capacity of 400,000 tonnes of pulp and 230,000 tonnes of newsprint.
Al Strang, manager, environment and external relations, said a little over 100 employees will be laid off during the curtailment. "On the paper side, we make specific orders for specific companies, and when you don't have those orders, then these tough decisions have to be made," Strang said.
On the plus side, Strang said HSPP's kraft mill is working at full capacity and they have product orders until well through May, so he does not expect any more layoffs in the foreseeable future.