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Hours shifting at Community Centre

Recreationists will find new hours at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre come spring. Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors voted Jan. 20 to amend the operating hours of the facility to be more consistent day-to-day.

Recreationists will find new hours at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre come spring.

Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors voted Jan. 20 to amend the operating hours of the facility to be more consistent day-to-day. New operating hours as of April will be Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Staff recommended the changes after getting requests from the public for more days with early morning access to the facility. The change in hours will not affect operating hours for meetings booked or the youth centre.

Directors pay

SCRD directors may soon have a pay raise after discussions into director remuneration have begun. Directors began reviewing options for a pay increase at a special corporate services meeting Jan. 24, but no decision had been made by the end of the day.

Options for changes in pay include raising director pay in line with the consumer price index for Vancouver, splitting up one of the current standing committees to increase the number of meetings directors are reimbursed for attending and paying directors for preparation time before meetings.

A common theme in Monday's discussion was the amount of meeting time and work expected from directors that has risen exponentially in recent years. Board members have not had a pay increase in three years. Board members were expected to conclude the discussion and make a decision on Thursday, Jan. 27, after Coast Reporter deadline.