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Heritage register looking for entries

As part of an effort to recognize and promote heritage conservation, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) established the Sunshine Coast Community Heritage Register in 2009.

As part of an effort to recognize and promote heritage conservation, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) established the Sunshine Coast Community Heritage Register in 2009.

The register is the first of what may be a number of projects, programs and policies intended to recognize heritage properties and promote heritage conservation.

The Egmont Community Hall was the first entry. Since its establishment in 1952, the hall has served as one of only two indoor venues for community events in Egmont. The hall's importance is also in part due to the fact that Egmont is the most remote permanent-resident community in the lower Sunshine Coast and was only accessible by boat in 1952.

In 2009, the SCRD board added Grantham's Landing Community Hall as the second heritage property to the register. The hall was built as a United Church in 1931 and throughout the years was used as a Sunday school, a church hall, and as a gathering place for community events.

"Including a property in the Community Heritage Register is an effective way to recognize the value of heritage conservation in our community," said SCRD board chair Garry Nohr in a news release."As an added benefit, property owners can access provincial grants for example, through the Heritage Legacy Fund of BC."

The SCRD is asking the community to recommend or propose one or more properties to be included as part of the register, by submitting a letter of interest along with a draft statement of significance (SOS) to the SCRD's planning and development division.

A SOS is a systematic method for assessing the historical and architectural significance of one or more properties to be included as part of the register. While the register does not restrict the use or protect the properties included, the SCRD must notify the owners of the properties to be included, as well as the BC Ministry responsible for heritage.

The draft SOS should include information pertaining to the natural or community history and/or architecture of the heritage resource, including significant historical dates, events, or persons. Photographs, depictions and other archived information are very useful in emphasizing heritage character and value.The Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives is often an invaluable resource for developing an SOS.Once submitted, staff will work with the submitter to finalize the draft SOS for consideration by the board.If adopted by resolution of the board, the SOS would then be added to the register.

For more information visit (under planning department current projects).
