Graduating students from Chatelech Secondary School embarked on a new adventure for their dry grad festivities this year. Students opted for a new location on Keats Island and spent their time hiking, swimming, canoeing and dancing late into the night."It was a lot of fun. It was like our last fun time together before we all went our separate ways," said grad Johanna Dalgleish, who helped organize the dry grad.
She says there was no problem with teens trying to sneak in alcohol, and everyone just enjoyed their time together.
Chat's grad class was joined by the Sea to Sky Outdoor School on Keats Island June 29. "Almost 100 students, 18 volunteer parents and five Sea to Sky staff gathered for an alcohol- and drug-free event that celebrated the end of a long journey they had shared together at school and the beginning of new directions for all of them," said teacher Tim Turner.
DJ Clean from Vancouver started the evening with some tunes, and then students headed out on hikes, paddled the voyager canoe, swam in the ocean and took turns jumping on the "blob" floating in the water, catapulting other students up into the air.
"The blob was really fun," said Dalgleish, who noted not many students wasted their time sleeping. "I think just about everyone stayed up all night," she said. There were cabins available for those who couldn't fight the sandman.
The next morning students hiked to the south end of the island for lunch and a final group picture.
"Grade 12s received prizes that had been purchased or donated from Sunshine Coast businesses. At 3 p.m., experiencing various levels of sleep deprivation, the Class of 2004 with sleeping bags and loot in hand headed down the hill to awaiting water taxis. The Grade 12 experience is complete and the future has begun," said Turner.