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GMBA seeks funds to move batting cage

Gibsons Minor Ball Asso-ciation (GMBA) is hoping to hit a home run in raising the necessary funds to relocate their batting cage.

Gibsons Minor Ball Asso-ciation (GMBA) is hoping to hit a home run in raising the necessary funds to relocate their batting cage.

The Town of Gibsons recently told GMBA that they have to move their cage located in Brothers Park by June 2011 to make room for the new RCMP station and other key changes to the area near the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.

GMBA president Brian Scarr has established a working committee with the Town with the support of director of parks and cultural services Wendy Gilbertson to look into this project, the design elements and ways to fund and rebuild the facility.

The GMBA and the Town of Gibsons have some challenges on their hands in terms of funding and actually moving/constructing a new indoor facility - and that's where the community can play a key role.

Through a suggestion from Gilbertson, the GMBA is hoping the community will band together and vote for their project in the nation-wide Aviva Community Fund competition.

"In a nut shell, if we get the highest per capita votes for our project, we will get the funding required to relocate and enhance our indoor training facility," Scarr said. "When all this is done, we stand to have a new and significantly improved indoor training facility for our GMBA athletes."

Community members can go to this link at and register with an email address and password. Anyone is eligible to vote once for 10 days with the first round of voting closing on Oct. 15.

Gilbertson said she is hopeful that the Town and the GMBA can come up with a solution that meets everyone's needs.

"We have to move on this pretty quickly, and we have to get a location nailed down within the next month or so, so I can report back to council," she said.