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Gibsons woman runs for Team Diabetes

Two years ago Gibsons' Wendy Morris was just starting to run competitively when her friend turned her attention to the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA).

Two years ago Gibsons' Wendy Morris was just starting to run competitively when her friend turned her attention to the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA).

Morris saw that the CDA was using several marathons and half marathons as fundraising endeavours and decided to give it a try. She started small and local with the April Fool's Run and enjoyed the experience so much, she decided her next goal would be to complete a CDA event.

Not only did she complete the recent CDA event with Team Diabetes at the Fire and Ice Reykjavik, Iceland marathon/half marathon and 10 km, she raised more than $10,000 through the support of the Sunshine Coast business community and family and friends.

"I'm just overwhelmed by all the support I received," Morris said. "And it wasn't just monetary support, it was the emotional support and really good feelings that were passed along throughout this journey.

Morris's friend Jennifer Swanston was one of her biggest supporters and ended up paying her own way to accompany Morris to Iceland.

Morris, who has been a Type 1 diabetic for almost 30 years and wears an insulin pump, said her biggest challenge - besides the fundraising - was being able to run long distances with good blood sugar control.

"As long as it's controlled, having diabetes shouldn't hold you back from doing anything you want to do," she said.

And it certainly didn't hold her back in Iceland, as she finished the half marathon in an impressive two hours, 10 minutes.

"During all my fundraising events, I also did several speaking engagements, bringing awareness to the public about diabetes," she said. "There are more than three million diabetics in Canada. Funds raised by Team Diabetes' members this year helped to send 288 kids to the Association's diabetes camp in Gibsons this summer, as well as contributed to the CDA's ongoing research, advocacy, education and support services."

Morris is getting set for another CDA event, this one on Oct. 10 at the Victoria half marathon. She needs to raise $500 and is hoping the community can help lend her a financial hand. To offer your support to Morris, check out and look for Wendy's name and Victoria.

"It was huge to run in Reykjavik, and to think I did it was great. I've always wanted to run in Victoria. I'm looking forward to the challenge," she said.