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Gibsons Way development received Council nod with the addition of playground

Gibsons Council greenlights new multi-family residential and commercial buildings
Site Plan with the proposed development for Lot A and C and 629 Mahan Road.

Three multi-family residential buildings and one commercial building, including some recreational space are on their way to Gibsons.

During its March 18 regular meeting, Gibsons Council adopted the proposal slated for Lots A and C Gibsons Way and included a requirement for a playground to be a part of the plan.

Three separate amendments received adoption, 

  • An Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment for Lot C, altering the land use designation to High Density Residential.
  • Zoning amendments for Lots A and C, rezoning Lot A to Upper Gibsons Commercial District 1 (C-1), and rezoning Lot C to Multi-Family Residential Zone 8 (RM-8).
  • A development permit for lots A and C.

The development has been viewed and amended several times, It received its second reading on Nov. 5 and a public hearing was held on Dec. 3.

While some members of the public supported the development, several spoke against it, citing concerns about the impact of developing on the town wetlands and that the aquifer the town relies on will not be able to support the increasingly rapid population increases.

The council approved the permits to be issued, on the condition that a natural playground for infant toddlers within the landscape plan be added and the submission of an updated landscape cost estimate.

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.

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