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Gibsons singer makes the cut

Sarah Loverock has a golden ticket and a chance at stardom on Canadian Idol. The 23-year-old singer from Gibsons auditioned for Canadian Idol in Vancouver on Feb.

Sarah Loverock has a golden ticket and a chance at stardom on Canadian Idol.

The 23-year-old singer from Gibsons auditioned for Canadian Idol in Vancouver on Feb. 11, and after making it past two auditions with producers of the show, she met with the celebrity judges who were impressed with her talent and moved her on to the top 100 competition in Toronto.

The results from that competition will air on CTV next week, and Loverock isn't giving any hints as to whether or not she made it to the next round.

"You'll just have to tune in to see," she said.

Loverock may be best known on the Coast as Sarah Norris, a young country singer who has impressed audiences here and in the Lower Mainland with her rich, soulful voice.

In 2000 she married Dorean Loverock and, under her married name, sang with a group called Sweetgrass.

However, Loverock's been out of the spotlight recently as she has been raising her two sons, aged four years and 17 months.

"My last performance was with Sweetgrass about two years ago now. I just got busy being a mom and a wife but I wanted to get back into it. I heard about the audition for Canadian Idol and I thought it would be fun," said Loverock.

As the time got closer for Loverock to perform she said her nerves got the better of her.

"I've performed hundreds of times and not been nervous at all, but this time I really was. The judges are looking at everything - how you're dressed, how you stand, how you look. They're watching every move you make and it's nerve-wracking," she said.

Following her audition for the celebrity judges, a dispute broke out, Loverock said.

"Zack Werner is like Simon Cowell's counterpart, he's the negative one. He picked apart my rendition of House of the Rising Sun because I sang 'there is a house' instead of 'there was a house.' Jake Gold wanted to know what I would do with my kids if I made it, and he and Farley Flex started arguing about it. Finally Farley said he would baby-sit for me to go to Toronto if I needed it," said Loverock.

She was given a unanimous "yes" to go to Toronto - where she ended up not needing Farley's baby-sitting services.

As for what happened next, Loverock is under strict orders not to give away any future episodes.

To see what happens to our local idol, watch Canadian Idol on CTV Tuesday, June 7, and Wednesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. ET to see the group of over 100 hopefuls narrowed down to just 32.