Gibsons schools are getting an extended weekend.
Because of snowfall and several power outages in the Gibsons area, Langdale, Gibsons and Cedar Grove Elementary Schools as well as Elphinstone Secondary School and Sunshine Coast Alternative School will be closed March 4, School District 46 reports.
In Roberts Creek, the bus will not be servicing Upper Creek or south of Roberts Creek. "Bus service will run only from Roberts Creek Road and North," said the notice, noting "unsafe road conditions for large vehicles on side streets in these areas."
All other bus routes are running and all other schools are open.
Thousands without power
Areas of Gambier and Keats Islands, Port Mellon, Langdale, Granthams and Hopkins Landings, Elphinstone, Upper Gibsons, Roberts Creek are without power because of trees down across BC Hydro lines and "snow storm," according to the BC Hydro outage map. As of 8:30 a.m., more than 3,000 customers are affected.
Modified bus service
BC Transit advises that Roue 1 Sechelt-Gibsons/Langdale Ferry is not servicing Langdale Heights or stop 170102, Port Mellon 1530 block; stop 170103, Thompson at Forbes; stop 170104, Johnson at Forbes; or stop 170105, Wharf at Johnson.