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Gibsons man is quite a catch

When Melanie Reid nominated her husband Aron for Lou Lou magazine's What a Catch contest, the pair laughed at the possibility of a win. "It was just a big joke really. We didn't think there was any way I could win," he said.

When Melanie Reid nominated her husband Aron for Lou Lou magazine's What a Catch contest, the pair laughed at the possibility of a win.

"It was just a big joke really. We didn't think there was any way I could win," he said.

But now Aron is among the final 10 in the contest and he's pushing for a win, even making deals with people to vote for him."I told the guys I work with at the mill they could call me cupcake or say 'humina, humina,' and I would respond politely if they voted for me," Aron said, noting he's already getting catcalls when people see him around Gibsons.

He often plays poker online and has even made deals with fellow players saying he would fold for their vote."Now that I'm in the top 10, I might as well try to win. I'm starting to get competitive, and I'm shameless really," he said.A win in the What a Catch contest comes with a photo spread in November's magazine, a two-year lease on a Ford Fusion, a $5,000 Cadillac Fairview shop card, a personal consultation with a Clinique expert including a personalized Clinique product kit and a movie prize pack including eight DVDs and a DVD player.

Aron's wife wouldn't walk away empty handed either. She would also receive a Clinique consultation and personalized kit, a $1,000 Cadillac Fairview shop card and her own movie prize pack.

Melanie felt Aron was deserving of the prize after he planned an unforgettable 30th birthday for her this year.

Through leaving clues and hints, Aron took Melanie on a treasure hunt that included a spa treatment at Above the Bay, lunch on the beach, a surprise visit by Melanie's mother and sister, two nights at a cabin on Redrooffs Road, a surprise party and concert tickets for one of their favourite bands.

"Basically it was a week long 30th birthday celebration," Aron said.

Melanie was blown away and wanted to give him something in return.

That's when she saw the Lou Lou magazine contest.

"I submitted a letter saying why I thought he deserved to win - because he had done a million wonderful things for me and I wanted to thank him," Melanie said.

She waited a few days to tell Aron about the contest and the pair laughed it off.

But in August Aron got a call from the magazine saying he made the top 20 cut and on Sept. 1 he was told he's among the top 10.

"I didn't believe it. I'm not photogenic at all and I couldn't believe people were voting for me," he said. "I really want the community to get behind me, the way they did with Sarah Loverock. That was great. I have a real advantage living here, but the only way I can win is if people get online and vote."

To cast a vote for Aron, log on to Lou Lou's website at and scroll down to the bottom of the main page where it says: "What a Catch contest."

From there you just click on Aron's name and by casting a vote you are also entered to win a $100 spa gift certificate.

Lou Lou magazine has been circulating since August 2004 and in 2006 10 issues were published in English and French and distributed all over Canada.

Lou Lou is a shopping magazine that has three editorial pillars: fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

Voting for the What a Catch contest is open to the public until Sept. 28 and each household can vote one time per day online.The winner will be announced in Lou Lou's November issue complete with a photo spread of the lucky man.