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Gibsons green-lights Gibsons Way rental apartments

171 housing units proposed for the corner of Gibsons Way and Pratt Road
171 residential units are planned at 1057 Gibsons Way.

Gibsons council has all but approved a new purpose-built rental housing development in the upper town.

A zoning amendment for commercial-residential buildings at the corner of Pratt Road and Gibsons Way, across from the Wendy’s and Tim Horton’s restaurants, passed second and third readings Sept. 10. 

Proposed for the 2.53 acres at 1057 Gibsons Way are two buildings of six storeys and 171 housing units, plus five live/work units. All of the residential units are to be secured as rental or assisted living housing. (When the proposal first came to council in January, the buildings were five storeys, but councillors suggested adding another level, which the developer did, allowing for 30 more rental apartments.) A coffee shop and furniture store occupy the site today. 

The rezoning for Pacific Capital Real Estate (PCRE) Group’s project passed first reading in July, with councillors voicing some concerns regarding traffic around the busy corner, parking and a desire to see a design for a children’s play area. The proponent provided a traffic and parking study –– which says the parking allocation of 0.97 spaces per unit is higher than parking demand and vehicle ownership ratios observed in comparable developments –– and a design for a play area for the Sept. 10 consideration of second and third readings. 

Part of the proposal is the provision of two car-share vehicles, to be managed by Coast Car Co-op, with details being ironed out before the bylaw’s adoption. 

The rezoning changes a defunct Sunshine Coast Regional District zone (from before the town boundary was expanded) to Commercial District 1 (CD-1). Site-specific changes include increasing the buildings’ maximum height to 23m from 12m, allowing apartment units on the ground floor if behind or below a commercial use on Gbisons Way and reducing the required number of parking spaces. Gibsons council also authorized a form and character development permit, subject to the rezoning’s adoption. 

The proposal is now with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval and a covenant is to be registered securing the rental units, car share vehicles, amenity spaces, a public right of way for trail access and a public art space. 

The rezoning’s next step is consideration of adoption.