Voters will notice a few changes and improvements when they head to the polls in Gibsons this November for the municipal election.
At its May 3 council meeting, councilors finalized and adopted its new election procedures bylaws bringing an end to two years of studies and reports following improper vote counting and a failed court challenge following the 2008 election.
The bylaw approved last Tuesday allows for mail-in ballots, electronic vote counting and takes the responsibility for running the election away from Town staff.
Lonny Miller, interim corporate officer, told council that work is already underway on getting the technology they'll need as Gibsons is working on a joint lease of electronic vote counting machines with other municipalities.
Keyed vehicle in Gibsons
On April 27, a vehicle parked in The Brick parking lot on Pratt Road in Gibsons was keyed in broad daylight, sometime between 3:00 and 3:45 p.m.
The owner of the vehicle returned to his car to find all four doors, hood, trunk and roof keyed with profanity, as well as racial slurs and symbols. Police are considering this a hate crime. If anyone has any information pertaining to this offensive act they are asked to contact Sunshine Coast RCMP at 604-885-2266 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Foot chase by police
On the evening of May 5, a traffic stop was initiated by Sunshine Coast RCMP in the 900 block of Gibsons Way after seeing a vehicle leave a beach party.
The driver showed signs of impairment, so police requested a roadside breath-screening test. In mid test, the driver fled on foot with a foot chase ensuing and the driver being arrested for refusal to provide samples and obstruction of justice. The male was transported to Sechelt cells, and his vehicle was impounded with open liquor being found in the vehicle and a marijuana pipe.