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Franklin Road beach access closed

The access to Pebbles Beach from Franklin Road in Gibsons remained closed as of Wednesday, Feb. 6.
The access to Franklin Beach in Gibsons has been closed due to dangerous “land slippage”.

The access to Pebbles Beach from Franklin Road in Gibsons remained closed as of Wednesday, Feb. 6.

Chief administrative officer Emanuel Machado said the Town was contacted by a property owner about “land slippage” above the beach following the heavy rainfall that started Jan. 31.

The Town determined there was a risk of injury should rocks or mud fall down the steep slope onto the beach, and put up barriers at the top of the access. Machado said geotechnical experts are continuing to assess the situation.

In an update posted Feb. 6 the Town said, "A geotechnical engineer has been retained by one of the affected property owners to provide advice on how to proceed. While addressing the slippage does not fall within Town jurisdiction, the engineer will keep the Town apprised of planned fixes."

The Town has already planned remediation work on its property in the area and the beach stairway.

The Town also said Feb. 6 that due to abnormally high creek flows it had barridcaded Beachcomber Lane after the culvert that enables Charman Creek to pass beneath the lane become destabilized, creating a situation where it could collapse due to pedestrian or vehicle weight.