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FOSP ask for Sechelt's support

Friends of Sechelt Pen-insula (FOSP) were out in force on Tuesday seeking government support.

Friends of Sechelt Pen-insula (FOSP) were out in force on Tuesday seeking government support.

Cathy Turner came to speak to the District of Sechelt planning committee on Tuesday on behalf of FOSP, imploring council to write to the regional district saying the community of Sechelt has strong objections to the issuing of a permit to allow mining to take place at the Pan Pacific Aggregates (PPA) site.

"I am here today to speak to the application of a temporary industrial permit that PPA submitted to the regional district and also to ask for correction of a letter sent by District of Sechelt staff on May 1, 2006 saying they had no objections to the application," Turner said. "We feel strongly that position does not reflect the views of a large element of our community. We feel council underestimated how widespread and deep the concerns go."

In a staff report about the May 1 letter, director of planning Ray Parfitt said staff's response at the time was specific in nature to the application.

He said the application was for a site office and storage, which would not adversely affect the district or its residents."I think what we were asked for was not whether or not we liked it, we were asked as a referral only to use one small portion of land for specific purposes," said Mayor Cam Reid, noting the FOSP didn't want anything approved for PPA.Coun. Mike Shanks agreed.

"It quite simply boils down to the fact that those who signed the petition and raised their voices against PPA don't want it under any circumstances," said Shanks. "It's unfortunate, but I guess some have seen what happened in terms of Construction Aggregates and they think that is going to happen over on this side. I share the concerns many have, but I honestly don't think the public wants any mining operation even if it's environmentally sensitive and everything. They just don't want it. But we have to formulate some sort of recommendation we all feel comfortable with."

After much debate, councillors said they would write a letter to the regional district saying their residents "have expressed concern and opposition with respect to the mining venture at the end of Mason Road and the use of the lands there, and that the temporary use permit be denied."

All but Reid voted in favour of the motion.