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Firefighters to the rescue

This time they weren't fighting fires or rescuing cats. The Gibsons Fire Department came to the rescue of Gibsons banner project coordinator Trish Thompson last week.

This time they weren't fighting fires or rescuing cats.

The Gibsons Fire Department came to the rescue of Gibsons banner project coordinator Trish Thompson last week.

"Because we were late, Wendy Gilbertson from the town office assured us there was no way they could put them up," said Thompson. "They budgeted for the banners to go up when the lights came down, and that was done in the spring. The rooster banners turned out so incredible, I made my mind up they were going up, even if I climbed the ladder myself. I wanted everyone to get to see them. I called the Gibsons fire department and told fire chief Bob Stevens my plight. No hums or haws, just a sweet answer."

Since it was Wednesday night and practice night for the department, Stevens made an offer to help hang the banners."On my way there I grabbed my son, Pan. He is used to being up high on his stilts with Mythmakers, so he was very happy to help out," added Thompson. "Before Bob and Rowland, the firemen, got there, we were joined by A.J. and Martin. Soon ladders were up and the banners right behind them. Cody came along to help to get them up before we lost the daylight.

"I would like to thank the artists who participated in this year's banner project, my Mom Joannie who got up every morning to open the door for the painters, the real estate office for holding the key and especially Nancy at Sunnycrest Mall for donating the space to us. Thanks to W.W. Upholstery for donating thread to sew the banners and to GBS for the great deal on zip ties."