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Expanded free youth transit program for the Sunshine Coast delayed

Expanding free transit for youth up to age 18 on the lower Sunshine Coast will take about two months longer than originally scheduled. Estimated start date is now Nov. 1.
BC Transit bus in Gibsons in 2023

Expanding free transit for youth up to age 18 on the lower Sunshine Coast will take about two months longer than originally scheduled.

Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) staff’s estimated start date for the project is now Nov. 1, a delay from the September date targeted when funds for the initiative were included in the SCRD’s 2024 budget, adopted in February.

Background on the start date delay is covered in a report on the agenda for the July 25 committee of the whole meeting. In that document, staff state, “Planning for program implementation has taken a significant amount of time and effort by both staff and BC Transit (more than anticipated).” In the report’s closing line, staff wrote that they are “confident” the launch will happen Nov. 1.

Two key delay factors are documented. The first is the need to introduce a new Sunshine Coast Transit “S-pass” for youth. SCRD and BC Transit staff have been working on this for three months and aim to dovetail S-pass eligibility verification with student picture ID cards issued by School District 46. The report states those cards are usually issued in mid-October and the SCRD will need to establish other strategies for pass eligibility verification for youth not enroled in school or home school programs.

Secondly, getting the pass system organized and other work to put free youth transit in place requires training for local staff that the report states won’t be ready for delivery until September.

It is too early to say if the delay will save the regional district any of this year’s allocation of $28,850 for this initiative. “It is unknown what the uptake and use of this fare-free product will be, therefore staff are unable to anticipate if there will be a financial implication due to the delay. Further, staff costs associated with the activation of the S-Pass were not anticipated in the original budget proposal,” the report states.

“While the delay in the implementation of the S-PASS is regrettable, it is necessary to ensure its success and sustainability.”

Since Sept. 1, 2021, children under the age of 12 have been able to travel for free on BC Transit systems (including Sunshine Coast Transit).