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Learn about the history of women on the Sunshine Coast through a series of talks hosted by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW). The first of the Fifth Monday Speaker Series is Oct.

Learn about the history of women on the Sunshine Coast through a series of talks hosted by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).

The first of the Fifth Monday Speaker Series is Oct. 30 with Sechelt archivist Ann Watson, Rosella Leslie, author of Bergie Solberg: The Cougar Lady, and Jan Kotaska relating the story of the Whitaker women.

There are two more talks in the series: S.C. Museum and Archives Curator Bee Jackson speaks on Jan. 29, and the History of the Shishalh Women will be told by Rita Poulsen and elders of the Sechelt Indian Band on April 30.

The speaker series kicks off in October, in recognition of Women's History Month, established by the Government of Canada in 1992 to provide an opportunity to learn more about women's history and women's contributions to Canadian society.

CFUW-Sunshine Coast is dedicated to empowering women and girls through education. A major focus of the club is providing bursaries for local women to gain a post-secondary education.

All talks take place at St. John's United Church in Davis Bay, at 1 p.m., and are open to CFUW members and their guests. Admission is by donation. For more information about the speaker series, call Gillian Kydd at 604-885-0151. To learn more about CFUW, go to