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DriveBC now provides up-to-the-minute information on mobile

The Province's most-popular website is now mobile-friendly. DriveBC, which receives more than 2.9 million visits a month, is now accessible as a mobile site:

The Province's most-popular website is now mobile-friendly.

DriveBC, which receives more than 2.9 million visits a month, is now accessible as a mobile site: Visitors can access up-to-the-minute traveller information from their mobile phones.

The new site is part of the government's commitment to make it more convenient for citizens to find important data. DriveBC is updated 24 hours a day, seven days of the week with information about highway conditions and road incidents so that travellers can know before they go.

DriveBC also offers real-time cameras, maps, information about current events, weather forecasts and much more.

"Drivers now have better access to a quality service that was shaped by feedback from DriveBC users," said Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Blair Lekstrom. "It is now possible to access reliable information 24 hours a day in a user-friendly application. This is an invaluable tool for anyone planning a trip and helps drivers avoid unnecessary delays or adverse road conditions. Ultimately that makes our highways safer to drive."
