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Dix, Simons rally their troops

New Democrat health critic Adrian Dix paid a visit to the Coast Saturday night (May 15) bringing a message of hope and a promised fight to reclaim government in the next election.

New Democrat health critic Adrian Dix paid a visit to the Coast Saturday night (May 15) bringing a message of hope and a promised fight to reclaim government in the next election.

Part political rally, part potluck social, those in attendance heard passionate speeches by Powell River-Sunshine Coast MLA Nicholas Simons, who brought Dix up to Sechelt for the event at the Sechelt Indian Band Hall.

"We'll take the strength from those who worked before and we'll continue the struggle for justice for our young and old," said Simons before introducing Dix to the assembled audience of about 100 people.

Dix opened his speech poking fun at Simons, which drew hearty laughs from all.

"When you visit a constituency, you usually say positive things about the MLA, but briefly, I'll talk about the weaknesses about Nicholas," said Dix tongue in cheek. "It's been said the three weaknesses a politician can have are a sense of humour, interests outside politics and imagination. I myself have worked on this and completely eradicated my sense of humor. Nicholas, unfortunately for him, has gone his own way; he has a sense of humour, had great imagination and has lots of interests outside politics.

"But getting serious, I will say this about him, that he has an incredible commitment to his riding. I think he's a great MLA and you should be proud of him, as we all our in the NDP party."

Dix spoke about the challenges in the health care system, the dispute over the implementation of the harmonized sales tax and the recent controversy over the investigation into Liberal MLA Kash Heed.

"We're facing a very unusual time, but there is still hope. We have a government that is totally out of ideas and has run out of gas," said Dix. "The Liberals put out illegal propaganda during the campaign. They cheated and they lost, they lied and they were caught, and they still won't take responsibility. They've created a sense of politics that is based on lies.

"For 15 years in this province when he was premier and in opposition, Gordon Campbell said he was against the HST. Now he's all of a sudden in favour of it? It's created a political system that no one has any trust in anymore."

Dix said the lies and mistrust shown by the Liberals have degraded the political system and added: "It's no wonder election turnouts are so low."

Dix said the NDP has to continue to fight for the public good, the public trust and the good of the province.

"We can not allow a government in the dying days that is not committed, that lies about social services, that lies about education, that lied about the HST to remain in government," he said. "We need to fight back and create a platform that we can implement and put into place and win the next election. It can be the end of a government that is out of ideas and is a disgrace. Together we can do this."