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District of Sechelt council wants to improve its budget process

A motion by Coun. Brenda Rowe, that any budget recommendations by council be submitted no later than July 1, was passed March 5.
The District of Sechelt council elected in 2022. From left to right: Coun. Dianne McLauchlan, Coun. Donna Bell, Coun. Alton Toth, Mayor John Henderson, Coun. Darren Inkster, Coun. Brenda Rowe and Coun. Adam Shepherd.

The District of Sechelt is looking at ways to improve the ways its annual budgets are created.

The first step towards that goal was passing a motion brought forward by Coun. Brenda Rowe at a regular meeting of council, March 5, which read in part, “Council require that any significant reductions to the operating budget, including service level changes, be presented to and debated by council no later than July 1 of each year, to ensure adequate time for consideration in the following year’s budget process; and that any such proposals must clearly specify the services or areas identified for reduction, rather than placing the burden on staff to determine potential cuts…”

The motion continued to include a recommendation that service levels remain the policy decision of council, with staff providing only factual analysis on potential impacts rather than making recommendations on which services to reduce.

In her motion, Rowe said service level decisions are a fundamental responsibility of council and should not be delegated to staff for recommendation, especially when it comes to proposed reductions in service.

“Requiring specific, early proposals ensures that budget discussions are transparent, well-informed, and aligned with council’s strategic priorities. By establishing a deadline of July 1, sufficient time is available for analysis and public engagement while preventing last-minute upheaval in the budget process. This requirement maintains responsible financial planning while ensuring stability for staff and understandable processes and lead times for the community.”

The motion appears to be in response to one brought forward by Mayor John Henderson during budget discussions in February, in which he proposed staff provide options to reduce spending on operational items by $2 million in 2025, "along with the impact, if any, on service levels and identifying areas of risk from the possibility of tariffs, with such report be provided not later than our [regular council] meeting on March 19, 2025." The motion was not carried.

In response to Rowe’s motion, Henderson said he was simply asking staff for options to reduce spending and was not committed to achieving those goals. Henderson said his motion was at least partially based on concerns regarding recent tariff threats from the U.S.

“We are in a different time than we were even three, four months ago,” said Henderson, who added he also did not think July 1 was a practical time for staff to be working on the budget, because April through June is dedicated to work on annual audited financial statements.

“So, I really don't understand and I'd welcome some clarity on why July 1 was is being proposed. It also references reductions and I don't think that's relevant,” said Henderson. “I think that if we're going to make major changes, that should come from whether it's increases or reductions. So, this has become a bit of a, I don't know what you'd call it, but something that I struggle [with]. I don't think we should be isolating this to a negative or a reduction, as much as it's about the significance of what we need to do for the best for Sechelt.”

Rowe said the July 1 date was chosen in consultation with the district’s director of financial services, David Douglas.

“So that date came from staff,” said Rowe.

Rowe added, she also agreed with Coun. Dianne McLauchlan’s previous suggestion at the meeting, that a finance or planning for infrastructure committee be created to better help council understand the complexities of creating each annual budget.

“I'm happy to have further discussion on this. And so, this isn't the be-all and end-all,” said Rowe of her motion. “I just am trying to provide sort of some predictability for staff, so that if they know we have something in mind that we want to see, that they get that information early.”

Rowe’s motion was carried, with Henderson opposed. A second motion by Coun. Alton Toth, asking staff to schedule a budget debrief session for a committee of the whole meeting after the 2025 budget has been adopted, was also passed.