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Disposal warning from police, fire

Sunshine Coast RCMP and the Sechelt Fire Department have a warning for the public: if you have or come into contact with an explosive item, don't move it, and contact police immediately.

Sunshine Coast RCMP and the Sechelt Fire Department have a warning for the public: if you have or come into contact with an explosive item, don't move it, and contact police immediately.

The warning comes as a result of the discovery of a metal box with "explosives" written on it that was left behind the Sechelt fire hall on July 29.

The fire department contacted RCMP immediately. The box was locked and police were unable to determine where it came from.

"The RCMP explosive disposal unit was contacted and attended the scene," said Const. D.A. Dixon in a news release. "The lock was opened with the assistance of a local locksmith and the disposal unit found approximately 50 oxidizing blasting caps inside. The explosive unit advised that the blasting caps were extremely volatile in their condition."

The explosives unit disposed of the caps in a safe manner.

"Sunshine Coast RCMP would like to remind residents that if they have an explosive that needs to be disposed of, or something that appears to be an explosive object, do not move or touch it and contact the RCMP immediately," said Dixon. "Do not attempt to bring it to the RCMP detachment or local fire department, as movement of an explosive or a potential explosive puts yourself and others at grave risk."