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Detwiller received president's award

Sprockids founder Doug Detwiller was recently honoured for his outstanding contribution to the sport of cycling at the annual Sport B.C. Gala in Vancouver.

Sprockids founder Doug Detwiller was recently honoured for his outstanding contribution to the sport of cycling at the annual Sport B.C. Gala in Vancouver.

Detwiller is a well-known advocate for mountain biking on the Coast through his creation of the Sprockids program, which integrates mountain biking with scholastic teaching and is now used in 17 countries around the world. He came up with the idea of using biking as a teaching tool in 1990 while working in elementary schools on the Coast. When teaching students about rates and ratios, for example, Detwiller would take students on a bike ride through Coastal forests and demonstrate rates and ratios through changing the gears on the bike.

"It's hands-on and it's real and it helps students learn better. A lot of students don't learn well in a lecture-style setting, and biking is also a way to get students up out of their desks and doing some physical activity," he said.The idea caught on quickly on the Sunshine Coast and the school district supported Detwiller in his new approach."Originally I used it as a self-esteem builder and anger management program with my students. It was a way to bring reluctant learners out of their shells. Since then it's taken off in so many different directions," said Detwiller.

Detwiller developed a program manual for Sprockids, and soon other teachers were picking up the torch and integrating bike riding to their classrooms.

The program is now also used by coaches, law enforcement agencies, cycling clubs, community and civic programmers, boys' and girls' clubs and others working with young people around the world.

The simple mission of Sprockids is to help young people through the sport of cycling to develop the skills, values and strategies that will lead them throughout their lives and enable them to successfully reach their full potential.Detwiller does all his work with Sprockids for free. In December of last year he was honoured with a Cycling B.C. Mountain Bike Volunteer of the Year award.

Then on March 8, Detwiller received the Sport B.C. President's Award, which is meant to honour an individual who has demonstrated outstanding dedication and commitment to their sport.

"Each different sport group looks for someone they feel is a champion for their particular sport. It's really nice that for cycling, someone put my name forward. I'm honoured," said Detwiller.

For more information on Sprockids in Canada and the international program, go to