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Cowrie childcare facility granted development permit

Thirty-nine more childcare spaces may soon be available in Sechelt

Clever Cub Childcare – the Sunshine Coast’s latest childcare facility – may be on its way to Sechelt following its receiving of a development permit and a variance from council at the July 17 regular meeting.

The Scott Davis Design facility at 5768 Cowrie Street is proposed to provide care for up to 39 children – one-third of which will be kids three years old and younger, while the remaining two-thirds will be for kids three to five years old. 

The development permit includes a variance to allow the fence in the front setback of the building to be two metres tall instead of 1.2 metres. 

The staff report states this is primarily to address security and screening concerns for the childcare operation. 

“This is a significant need for the Sunshine Coast and childcare,” said Coun. Donna Bell. “We know that there are waiting lists in every area of the Sunshine Coast in all areas of child care, so that is why I'm supporting this.”

Council unanimously voted to grant the development permit and the development variance permit. 

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.