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Council approves several projects

Several capital works projects are set to start in the Town of Gibsons as council awarded contracts Tuesday night.

Several capital works projects are set to start in the Town of Gibsons as council awarded contracts Tuesday night.

ISL engineering and Land Services were awarded the contract in the amount of $29,116 plus taxes to complete the Gower Point Road/Dougall Road improvement design.

The work will take place on 350 metres of roadway from Gower Point to Prowse roads and on Dougall from Prowse to Trueman roads. Elements to be addressed in the design include upgrading a watermain between Winn Road and Prowse Road; replacing the watermain between Prowse and Trueman; addressing the access from the post office; and improving the Prowse/Gower/Dougall intersection to encourage southbound through vehicles to remain on Gower, rather than Dougall.

The Stewart Road sanitary design was awarded to R.F. Binnie in the amount of $15,768 plus taxes. The work in this area will be to design a pair of manholes and approximately 30 metres of sanitary trunk main improvements downstream of the Town's wastewater treatment plant.

The third design award was for the Sunnycrest Road extension, which also went to R.F. Binnie in the amount of $41,959 plus taxes.

The work involves the extension of 65 metres of Sunnycrest Road in order to service the new RCMP building, including services to the building itself, and the extension of a 200mm water main and storm drainage facilities. The cross section of the road will be similar to the cross section at the entrance to the community centre.


Council approved several recommendations that were forwarded by the arts advisory committee.

The first was to allow external space to be set up for the possible future installation of a public art feature for viewing at the new RCMP facility.

Director of parks and cultural services Wendy Gilbertson explained to council that no funds were being budgeted, just space, in case the Town is approached for the provision of public art once the RCMP building is constructed.

The second recommendation involved a memorial feature in Winegarden Park.

Gilbertson said space is dwindling in the park for plaques and memorial space and the arts advisory committee suggested to council to budget for a new memorial feature in their 2011 budget discussions. Gilbertson suggested that the Town construct a memorial wall with those wishing to have memorial plaques then purchasing the space from the Town. Council approved the motion and will add the item to budget discussions.