January might mean cold weather, but it also brings with it grant opportunities and the chance to get involved and give back to your Coastal community.
Deadlines for some of those grant applications are quickly approaching, with up to $40,000 available from the Sunshine Coast Foundation, as just one example.
The following are just some of the opportunities available right now.
King tide flood mapping and photo contest
The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD), in partnership with the District of Sechelt, Town of Gibsons and Islands Trust, has launched a coastal flooding map project to encourage the safe documentation of king tide events.
With more than 500-kilometres of coastline, flooding from sea level rise and increased storm waves is a growing hazard facing the Coast. Many residents will have experienced these hazards, with waves overlapping sections of the Sunshine Coast Highway and ocean debris making its way onto beach accesses during major storm events.
To that end, the SCRD is asking the public to share their photos of 2024/2025 king tides to as a way to contribute to community awareness of what regular tides will look like in the future. Contributors have also an opportunity to win home and safety items.
The next king tide is expected to take place in mid-January, so in and around this week. Visit https://www.scrd.ca/news/king-tide-photo-contest for details.
DOS Community Investment Program Grants
The District of Sechelt’s Community Investment Program is currently accepting applications for 2025. The grants are intended to support non-profit and charitable organizations that serve residents of Sechelt.
Registered non-profit and charitable organizations seeking assistance are invited to apply. The deadline for grant applications is Friday, Jan. 31 at 4:30 p.m.
Application forms and program details are available at the district’s office, 5797 Cowrie St. Contact Maria Danysh, arts and culture coordinator, at [email protected] or 604-212-0503.
Sunshine Coast Foundation Community Grants
Financial support is available for local organizations through two streams of funding for 2025, the Sunshine Coast Prosperity Fund and Responsive Community Grants.
The Prosperity Fund offers grants of up to $40,000 to local charitable organizations and other qualified applicants who contribute to community prosperity. Applications for this fund will be accepted online between Jan. 15 to Feb. 5.
Responsive Community Grants of up to $10,000 are available to charities and other qualified applicants for projects addressing a wide variety of needs in the community.
Letters of intent are accepted online from Feb. 1 to Feb. 28. Visit sunshinecoastfoundation.org for more information.
Volunteers needed for DOS Advisory Planning Committee
District of Sechelt has vacancies on its Advisory Planning Commission (APC) for a two-year term, starting in early January through December 2026.
The APC makes recommendations to council on matters respecting land use, community planning and proposed amendments and initiatives related to the official community plan and zoning bylaw.
Members should have an interest in their community and, ideally, expertise in community planning, environmental issues, social planning and urban design.
Written expressions of interest can be sent to Box 129, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0 or by email to [email protected]. For more information visit sechelt.ca.
Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary has grants up to $10,000
The SCHA’s grant program provides successful applicants with funding up to $10,000 for initiatives providing health benefits for residents of the Sunshine Coast.
The applicant must be an organization or group with charitable status or be sponsored by an organization or group with charitable status.
Programs designed specifically for target populations are also accepted. For more information on the grant program and to apply, visit sunshinecoasthealthcareauxiliary.com. The closing date is Feb. 28.
Sunshine Coast Community Forest CAC
The Sunshine Coast Community Forest is looking to fill positions on its Community Advisory Committee, made up from community members with diverse backgrounds who meet monthly to discuss topics related to forest management and organizational culture, and make recommendations to the organization’s board of directors.
Input from the advisory panel has, and continues to, effect positive change within local forests and the organization. You can join the next online advisory panel meeting, Jan. 30 at 6:30 p.m.
The organization is also looking for qualified people to join its board of directors. You can find more information on both positions by visiting sccf.ca/a.
Sechelt Hospital Foundation
The Sechelt Hospital Foundation is looking for participants for its Generation 2 Generation story campaign and welcomes all stories about who has contributed or been significantly impacted by health care across the generations.
Do you have a story to share? The foundation would love to hear from you and celebrate your legacy. Visit sechelthospitalfoundation.org/g2g for more information.