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Comments positive after condo meeting

Target Developments and Robert Ciccozzi Archi-tecture hosted a public information meeting on Oct. 18 to view and discuss a proposed condominium and retail waterfront development site in Gibsons. The 2.

Target Developments and Robert Ciccozzi Archi-tecture hosted a public information meeting on Oct. 18 to view and discuss a proposed condominium and retail waterfront development site in Gibsons.

The 2.5-acre site sits along the Lower Gibsons waterfront beside the Yacht Club and marina. The proposed development is for mixed use and would include a row of town houses along the waterfront trail, two low-rise buildings consisting of approximately 98 condominiums and 15,000 sq. ft. of retail space.

Grant Gillies of Target Developments and Ian Bolton from Robert Ciccozzi Architecture were on hand to answer questions and give residents a feel for the future of the site. The turnout was lower than expected, but according to Gillies, the feedback from those in attendance was very positive.

"I think it's a great site - if it has to be developed. Ideally I would like to have seen it a park," said area resident Greg Gale who attended the meeting.

"Our purpose was to put an idea out into the community for feedback what everyone thinks of the look and feel and how it integrates with the Lower Gibsons community," said Gillies. "We thought we had some good feedback from previous attempts. Part of the feedback was height issues. Even with this, we felt there was going to be an issue."

He also explained that in order to maintain the wide-open corridor space, they had to add that "little extra height."

In a follow-up interview on Tuesday, Gillies said there was one person who didn't like it, but nobody else was opposed. "Most of the comments were very positive. People were interested in the prices and when they were going to be ready. I feel we've hit the target market. I'm very tickled," said Gillies. "We're trying to get feedback on what the community's feelings are on this development, because development is a sensitive issue and we need to see what we need to respond to," added Bolton. "We will review the comments and see what we can do to change people's minds. I live part time in Davis Bay, so I like to think that I have a feel for what the community wants."

The next step for developers is to return to the Gibsons planning committee with revisions on Nov. 14.