April 10 marks the beginning of the 12th annual Arts and Culture week in B.C.
In the true spirit of spring, tens of thousands of children, teachers, artists and regular citizens will take up their brushes and pens, don their dancing shoes, and attend a performance, all in the name of celebrating the wealth of artistic creativity in our communities.
Arts and Culture Week turns the spotlight on the vital contribution that arts and culture make in learning and in life. Music, films, media arts, dance, books, theatre and visual art are a part of daily life, and have a lasting impact. They inspire us, challenge us and broaden our horizons.
The arts and culture sector contributes $5.2 billion to B.C.'s economy each year.
B.C. artists in all disciplines are recognized internationally as among the best. Each year, our museums, galleries, festivals and performances attract visitors from around the world. Arts and culture also play an essential role in learning. Participating in arts programs and activities not only provides students with the discipline and creativity to enhance their learning schools with strong arts programs cite improved attendance and student motivation, renewed community participation and increased graduation rates but also gives them a strong foundation for enriching their lives.
Visit www.bcartsweek.org to find out more about the week.
B.C. Arts and Culture Week is co-ordinated by ArtStarts in schools and the Assembly of BC Arts Councils, and is sponsored by the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council.