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Cap College offers fall courses

Capilano College is once again offering an impressive array of continuing education courses this fall.

Capilano College is once again offering an impressive array of continuing education courses this fall.

One of the new offerings is an introduction to The Work of Byron Katie, called Who Would You Be Without Your Story, instructed and facilitated by Sandra Harris, a graduate of The School for The Work and a facilitator for The Work.Katie is an ordinary woman who spent much of her life in anger and depression. She awoke one morning to a brand new reality, realizing that her problems were all about her thinking. She'd spent her life wanting reality to be different than it was. As Katie says: "Wanting reality to be different than it is is hopeless." The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When asked if she considers herself "enlightened," she replies, "I don't know anything of enlightenment. I'm just someone who knows the difference between what hurts and what doesn't."

Since 1986 The Work of Byron Katie has been making its way around the world. It's a process that is practised in over 32 countries. The Work is not a religion, a psychology or a philosophy. It is four simple questions that are nothing without your answers.

Though the mind can sometimes feel like a run-a-way train, there is a process that can stop and restore it to peace. Suffering is always optional. The Work isn't for people who want to be right, it's for people who want to know the truth. You are invited to join Sandra Harris and experience the power of The Work at Capilano College. First class begins on Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Cap College at 604-885-9310 or online at for more information and to register.