This fall and winter, B.C. continues to be influenced by La Niña, which means colder and wetter than normal conditions. While this might be good news for winter sports enthusiasts, it also serves as a reminder that storm season is here.
Whenever there are storms, there is the potential for power outages. During outages, BC Hydro is committed to get the lights back on as quickly and safely as possible and to keep customers informed during the process.
Be prepared to deal with outages:
To report an outage, call 1-888-POWERON or *HYDRO on your mobile phone;
Have an emergency kit on hand with flashlights; a battery-operated radio; extra batteries; corded-telephone; warm clothing and blankets; a first aid kit; non-perishable, ready-to-eat foods; games, cards and books to keep everyone busy; and a copy of your emergency preparedness plan (be sure everyone knows what to expect and what to do in an emergency)
Check BC Hydro's mobile friendly website to find out about power outages and estimated restoration time.
During an outage, you can help with power restoration:
Turn off all appliances and electronics, especially electric heaters during an outage. When power is restored, power will rush to all items left in the "on" position, which can cause the system to overload and possibly cause a second outage.
Turn off all lights except one inside the home and one outside. The inside light lets you know when the power is back on and the outside light lets BCHydro crews know.
Public and employee safety is the top priority for BC Hydro. Crews work as safely and quickly as possible under difficult conditions to restore power. Be safe!
Never go near or touch a fallen power line. If you see a fallen power line, report the exact location to 1-888-POWERON or *HYDRO on your mobile phone.
For more information, visit