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B.C. residents can enter Gibsons new infill housing design contest

Gibsons launched a housing design competition this week as part of a strategy to streamline development approvals in the town.

Backseat designers of Gibsons (and elsewhere in the province), pull out your pens, now is your time to shine –– and possibly make a dent in Gibsons' housing crisis. 

Gibsons launched a housing design competition this week as part of a strategy to streamline development approvals in the town.

The idea is development applicants can use the pre-reviewed designs for "infill housing" and therefore get building permits faster (and possibly cheaper).

B.C. residents are invited to submit small lot (three-to-four unit) and long lot (five-to-six unit) designs that can be built on vacant lots or by subdividing larger properties within already built-up areas of Gibsons. (Examples may be multiplexes, row houses, and accessory dwelling units.)  

“Submissions should embody affordability and cost-effectiveness, flexibility and creativity, inclusivity and livability, and good neighbourhood design,” shared the contest press release. Participants need not be registered professionals and they can work in teams and submit multiple designs per category.

Following the March 10 submission deadline, a panel of experts that includes industry experts in development, architechture and planning will evaluate entries.

First place winners in each category will receive $2,500; second place winners $1,250, third place winners $500, and the community-selected people’s choice winners will receive $500. The designers will retain ownership rights of their works.

The project is funded by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Housing Accelerator Fund, which last year approved more than $2.1 million for Gibsons housing endeavours.

Gibsons will need a projected 364 homes (of various types) over the coming decade, according to the town’s 2024 housing needs report.

See contest rules, guidelines and further information at