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Bail granted in attempted murder case

As Edward Clarke lay in a coma in Vancouver General Hospital June 28, Nathan Cookney, the 22-year-old man charged with the attempted murder of Clarke, was freed on $25,000 bail.

As Edward Clarke lay in a coma in Vancouver General Hospital June 28, Nathan Cookney, the 22-year-old man charged with the attempted murder of Clarke, was freed on $25,000 bail.

Clarke, 38, suffered severe head injuries early on the morning of June 20. RCMP officers found him lying in a pool of blood on Flume Road in Roberts Creek. Sunshine Coast RCMP Const. Greg Horning said doctors at St. Mary's Hospital put Clarke into a medically induced coma, "and he has remained in that condition since."

The coma was part of Clarke's treatment, to prevent him from moving and possibly making the head injuries worse, Horning explained. "With his injuries as severe as they are, it would give the body time to heal time for the swelling to calm down," said Horning. "His condition, as we know it, is still grave."

According to Sgt. Danny Willis, the RCMP investigation revealed that Clarke was socializing at Roberts Creek beach that night. Clarke left the beach with some other people, had an argument, and then headed home alone, said Willis. That was when the assault allegedly occurred.

As a result of the investigation, police arrested Cookney and his 19-year-old girlfriend, Misty Glebe. Cookney is charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault. Glebe is charged with obstructing a police officer.Cookney, who had been in jail since his arrest June 20, showed little emotion during his bail hearing in Sechelt provincial court.

After hearing arguments from Don Fairweather, Cookney's defense lawyer, and from the Crown prosecutor, Judge Dan Moon decided to release Cookney on $25,000 bail. Moon ordered Cookney to live at his parents' home in Sechelt and to surrender his passport to the RCMP. He ordered Cookney to obey a curfew from 9:30 p.m. to 7 a.m., except when he is in the company of a parent or with the permission of his bail supervisor. While he is on bail, Cookney must not possess or consume alcohol or any controlled substances and must not possess firearms, ammunition, crossbows or explosives. Moon also ordered him not to have any contact with Glebe.

As is typical for bail hearings, Moon ordered a publication ban on the evidence presented at the hearing.

Cookney's next court appearance will be July 19. Glebe will appear in court July 12.