Of the 12 asset “report cards,” compiled for the District of Sechelt (DOS) as part of its 2025 budget, only one received a “poor” grade — we’re talking to you, Dusty Road Septic Receiving.
Other assets graded by the DOS condition assessment rating system, which breaks each one down by good, fair or poor, include Cultural Assets, Facilities, Fleet, Green Infrastructure, Information Technology, Marine, Recreational, Stormwater Collection, Transportation Network, Wastewater Collection and Wastewater Treatment.
The estimated total to replace all DOS assets is $691 million, with $34.7 needed to replace assets listed as in “very poor condition.” Overall, the average condition of assets within the DOS is considered “good.”
The rating system provides a standardized framework, which allows comparative bench-marking across the district’s asset portfolio. This rating system is aligned with the Canadian Core Public Infrastructure Survey, which is used to develop the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card.
According to a report presented to council, an incomplete or limited understanding of asset conditions can mislead long-term planning and decision-making.
Accurate and reliable condition data helps to prevent premature and costly rehabilitation or replacement and ensures that lifecycle activities occur at the right time to maximize asset value and useful life. More information on the report cards can be found starting on page 119 of the 135-page budget summary.
Septage Receiving
Average condition: Poor
Estimated replacement cost: $2.7 million
Cost to replace assets in very poor condition: $350,000
Inventory: Septage receiver, aeration grid and blowers, service water system, underground piping, clarifier, storage tanks, septage building, non-potable water system.
Of note: Poor condition due to integrity of assets is identified as critical. Although the majority of assets are fair, staff asses the overall condition of Dusty Road Septage Receiving as poor.
Cultural Assets
Average condition: Good
Estimated recovery cost for public art: $500,000; archives collection: $175,000; equipment inventory: $4,100
Cost to replace assets listed in poor condition: $15,000
Inventory includes public art, archives and equipment.
Average condition: Good
These structures are separated into two main groups, public use and corporate use.
Estimated replacement cost: $54 million
Cost to replace assets listed in poor condition: $9,250,000
Inventory includes public buildings (public washrooms, rental facilities, justice services, public-use sites): 13; and corporate buildings (staff work sites, sewer treatment, archives, leased facilities): seven.
Vehicle Fleet
Average Condition: Good
Estimated replacement cost: $3.8 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $150,000.00
Inventory: Public Works vehicles/equipment: 23; parks vehicles: 17; WRC vehicles: three; municipal hall vehicles: five.
Green Infrastructure
Average condition: Good
The district’s green infrastructure is a collection of natural vegetative systems and green technologies, which collectively provide the district with a multitude of economic, environmental, health and social benefits.
Estimated replacement cost: $12.7 Million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $161,700.
Inventory: urban trees: 1,704; rain gardens: 10; Silva cells (tree and stormwater management systems): 350m3; permeable pavement: 150m.
Staff feel this urban tree calculation is a good starting point, however further work is needed to measure against industry standards. Condition was not factored into replacement cost in this inventory.
Information Technology
Condition: Good
Estimated hardware replacement cost: $524,000; software and services: yearly cost: $335,00
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $40,000
Inventory: workstations/laptops: 94; server equipment: 16; printers/scanners: two; corporate-wide Cloud software: 10; corporate-wide ON-Premise Software: 12.
Some of the assets the DOS uses regularly are not “owned” by the district, rather they are leased, including printers, some servers/hardware, and more. This report card mostly focuses on the hardware the district is financially responsible for.
Marine Assets
Condition: Good
Estimated replacement cost: $12.5 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $0
Inventory: wharfs: two; piers: two; docks: one.
Harbour Way Wharf is maintained by leasee. Current condition of wharfs and piers assessed through past reports, staff assessments and work-order consultation.
Recreational Assets
Condition: Fair
Estimated replacement cost: $1.8 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $0
Inventory: playgrounds: 10; sports fields: four; courts and pump track: four; benches/picnic tables: 275.
Not included in this report is signage, and equipment. These assets will be included in future report cards.
Stormwater System
Average condition: Good
Estimated replacement cost: $230 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $1,056,400.00
Inventory: storm mains: 50km; access holes: 832; catch basins: 811; culverts-5km.
Stormwater system condition and replacement cost estimate was a focus in 2024. A plan is being made moving forward to inspect these assets on a regular interval.
Transportation Network Infrastructure
Average condition: Good
Historic cost: $21.4 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: Unknown
Inventory: local roads: 86km centerline; arterial/collector roads: 19km; centerline, multiuse pathways: 20km.
Road condition data was last collected in 2015. A road condition scanning project is currently under way, scheduled for completion in early 2025. More detailed transportation condition assessment expected for next year's report card.
Wastewater Collection System
Average condition: Good
Estimated replacement cost: $323 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $23,600,000
Inventory: gravity mains: 52km; pressurized mains: 14.5km; sewer access holes: 1,150; lift stations: 10.
Wastewater Treatment System
Condition: Good
Estimated replacement cost: $28 million
Estimated cost to replace assets listed in very poor condition: $157,000.00
Inventory: 26 facility systems.