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Aquifer gets international attention

Due to the proactive approach the Town of Gibsons takes towards aquifer mapping and monitoring, the Gibsons Aquifer is receiving attention from the international groundwater community.

Due to the proactive approach the Town of Gibsons takes towards aquifer mapping and monitoring, the Gibsons Aquifer is receiving attention from the international groundwater community.

The Town's aquifer mapping study came to the attention of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto in early 2012. The program of water issuesat the school invited director of engineering Dave Newman to join a panel discussion at the June 25 conference:underground tntelligence: the need to map, monitor, and manage Canada's groundwater resources in an era of drought and climate change.

The Town received quite an amazing amount of recognition at the event being one of the few good news stories in the face of some very sobering facts about the state of groundwater management in North America.
