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Funds for projects to reduce local solid waste available

Local non-profits, registered charities and groups representing facilities in School Districts 46 and 93 can apply for funds to help divert the waste they send to our area’s landfill.
SCRD Offices on Field Road in Sechelt.

Lower Sunshine Coast community groups, including non-profits, registered charities and groups representing facilities in School Districts 46 and 93 can apply for funds to help divert the waste they send to our area’s landfill. The Sunshine Coast Regional District’s (SCRD) Waste Reduction Initiatives Program (WRIP) will receive application up to Oct. 28 for projects aimed at slowing the flow of materials and thereby extending the useful life of Sechelt landfill.

This year, funding of up to $7500 is available to be shared with eligible groups for initiatives aimed at community reuse and repair of materials that would have otherwise been sent to the landfill. These can include composting and food waste reduction, reduction of green waste, repurposing of construction and demolition waste reduction, or improvements to recycling and waste reduction within a group’s operations. Full program parameters are available on the SCRD’s “Let’s Talk” webpage dedicated to the program.

In a Sept. 3 regional district press release announcing the funding opportunity it is noted that applications must include a plan for measuring and reporting the amount of waste diverted from the landfill. Successful applicants will also be required to report out on how the funds were used and what results were achieved by June 30, 2025.

In previous years WRIP has funded groups including Sunshine Coast Resource Centre’s “kindness corner” which sees donated items like cellphones and computers refurbished and supplied to persons in need. Also supported were initiatives that reduced waste related to food services and events for the operators of the Davis Bay and Roberts Creek community halls, the Gibsons Public Art Gallery and Davis Bay Elementary school’s lunch programs.