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Local Arts

Connection at heart of eclectic musical’s charm: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Connection at heart of eclectic musical’s charm: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat continues with performances at Chatelech Secondary School on March 7 and 8 (at 7 p.m.) and March 9 (at 2 p.m.). Tickets are available at Sew Easy in Sechelt and One Flower One Leaf Gallery in Gibsons.
Shards take shape in blend of verse and imagery at GPAG

Shards take shape in blend of verse and imagery at GPAG

Tzaddi Gordon’s blackout poetry offering, Found In the Thick of It, on to March 9
Art Beat: New feature at Coastal Art Gallery and film society presents Copa 71

Art Beat: New feature at Coastal Art Gallery and film society presents Copa 71

At Coastal Art Gallery, when space permits, one or two artists will each mount a display highlighting achievements and biographical details. 
Playwright Dorothy Dittrich probes identity, harmony in Coast productions

Playwright Dorothy Dittrich probes identity, harmony in Coast productions

Tickets are on sale now for the eight-show Driftwood Players run of 'The Dissociates'
Photo: Josh Searles samples global guitar repertoire

Photo: Josh Searles samples global guitar repertoire

Finishing with a flourish
Youth-led studio at Sunnycrest Mall to keep creativity in vogue

Youth-led studio at Sunnycrest Mall to keep creativity in vogue

Ripped Open studio opens at Sunnycrest Mall
Art Beat: Quilts that square with history

Art Beat: Quilts that square with history

Also, another banner year for Sechelt and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat drops next week 
Parallel works at GPAG arise from unique time and space

Parallel works at GPAG arise from unique time and space

A newly-opened joint exhibition by Sechelt-based artists Claudia Sageele Cuesta and Bill Baker changes perspectives without uttering a word.
'Not in the Public Interest': Identity, emotion triumph in art of resilience

'Not in the Public Interest': Identity, emotion triumph in art of resilience

'Not in the Public Interest' honours victims, strength of identity
Art Beat: Raven's Cry Theatre staffer feels kernels of nostalgia

Art Beat: Raven's Cry Theatre staffer feels kernels of nostalgia

Also, what's next for the Film Society