Home Before Dark is a recently published teen adventure novel by local author Jo Hammond. It is a swift, tightly-written read designed for 12 year olds and up, and adults will find it entirely enjoyable, too. Though this is Hammond's first book, she shows great story telling ability and knowledge of the craft of writing. The most exciting aspect of Home Before Dark for Coast residents is that the setting is entirely local, Gibsons and Gambier Island, and its plot involves beachcombing.
The teen protagonist, Erik Johnson, with his boating skills, his group of friends and his family who are in the log salvage business, bear a strong resemblance to Hammond's own family of Grantham's Landing. The story of how the kids take a boat to Bowen Island one stormy day and nearly drown is based on a true incident recounted by Hammond's son. Her husband, author Dick Hammond, (who some say was the basis for the character of Relic in the Beachcombers TV series) has been in the log salvage business for years. Hammond has also earned her own salvor's licence; the strongest scenes in the book are out on the water and are clearly based on true experiences. In the book, Erik and gang befriend a reclusive, retired logger, Gary. They learn of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Gary's aunt and uncle in a suspicious farmhouse fire. The burnt-out homestead becomes a source of fascination and interesting artifacts for them. Soon, they realize they are not the only ones who are fascinated by the property. A shadowy stranger, Bleddyn, is watching them and poses a threat to Gary and to the kids. They must summon their courage when events rush to a crisis. Personally, one of my favourite things about this book is that the teenagers are not depicted as sugar-coated specimens. In life, teens use colourful language, they get in trouble, they have adventures. In Home Before Dark, their language and actions are real. It's a tribute to Hammond and her publisher, Orca, that they did not dilute the book and render the characters unbelievable. At her book launch on June 10, she told the crowd, "I feel as if I should sing."
Many know Hammond as a classically-trained singer who has performed as a soprano soloist in recitals, concerts and musicals. Now they will know her as an author. Her next book, as yet unpublished, The Lady in Green, is for an adult audience and describes the story of Kyla, who travels from Glasgow to Vancouver through the Panama Canal, a tale based on Hammond's own emigration to Canada in 1967. Home Before Dark is published by Orca and is available in paperback for $9.95.