It's official. The Sunshine Coast Music Society (SCMS) has been reinstated.Canada Revenue Agency's Charities Directorate includes the Society, which can now issue income tax receipts for gifts received.SCMS presented Libby Yu in a piano fund benefit concert at Raven's Cry Theatre Sept. 21, 2005. Its next event is at Gibsons Heritage Playhouse featuring Rose-Ellen Nichols, Pender Harbour's notable diva. She is the special guest April 9 at 2:30 p.m. when the Soundwaves Chorus and the Renaissance Singers will also perform. SCMS has announced two further concerts, these at the Raven's Cry Theatre. The 40 voice National Youth Choir of Canada sing there Sunday, May 14. And Naomi's Road, a new opera for young audiences, plays there May 21.Further events will be announced later.Membership forms and further information are available from Sunshine Coast Music Society, 6461 Samron Rd., Sechelt B.C. V0N 3A7, or call 604-741-0777.