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Peninsula Players return

Argan is a hypochondriac. Married to his second wife, Beline, who schemes with her lawyer to inherit all his wealth, he believes every word his doctors tell him. He must have expensive treatments and medicines in order to stay ill.

Argan is a hypochondriac. Married to his second wife, Beline, who schemes with her lawyer to inherit all his wealth, he believes every word his doctors tell him. He must have expensive treatments and medicines in order to stay ill. To save on his medical bills he plans to marry his daughter Angelica to a young half-wit doctor. Angelica meanwhile has fallen in love with someone else, and it is up to Argan's sister Beralde and the maid Toinette, to save Argan from the torturous treatments of Doctors Diaforus and Purgon.

Directed by Melina Cassidy, The Imaginary Invalid himself is played by John Smith, with Dierdre Palmer as his mischievous maid. They are joined by Colleen Anderson, Bryan Carson, Geoff Davies, Meghan Stewart, Trevor Vestad, Steve Hill, Susan Beer and Mardell Vestad.

This dinner theatre production brings back chef Max Pluess to Pebbles Restaurant, this year presenting a five-course meal featuring beef tenderloin with porcini mushroom sauce, and as always there is a vegetarian option.

The show opens on Thursday, Nov. 2, with a gala in aid of Back the CAT and runs Nov. 2 to 4 and Nov. 9 to 11. Tickets are $39 each, available only from Pebbles Restaurant. Call 604-885-5811 to reserve your tickets as they sell out quickly.