In March 2005, two local students, Abi Kellett and Caitlin Reid, along with 30 students from across Canada travelled to the Balkans, armed with video cameras to record their experience. What resulted is an emotional feature-length documentary produced and directed by Teresa MacInnes that features original music by local artist Daniel Kingsbury.
Abi and Caitlin also put together an eight-minute slide presentation over the music of Bilja Krstic and the Bistrik Orchestra. On June 7 at the Chatelech Theatre from 7 to 9 p.m., Abi and Caitlin will discuss their insights and thoughts of Serbia and attending the Youth to Youth Peace Conference. This evening will also be the West Coast première of Hope for the Future with MacInnes presenting. This documentary has already been recognized in the Toronto film festival for children. The film successfully captures the transformative effect of one incredible journey on the members of Students for Teaching Peace.
The trip to the Balkans was supported in part by donations from community members and businesses.
The presentation is sponsored by Peace and Global Educators, Local Specialist Association, Sunshine Coast Teachers' Association, S.C. Teachers' Social Justice Committee and Peaceful Schools International.