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Youth Centre has a new logo

The Gibsons Youth Centre has a new logo after a successful contest wrapped up recently. Karyn Frewin submitted the winning logo and she was rewarded with a new mountain bike for her efforts.

The Gibsons Youth Centre has a new logo after a successful contest wrapped up recently.

Karyn Frewin submitted the winning logo and she was rewarded with a new mountain bike for her efforts.

Youth Centre staff received many entries submitted by youth between the ages of 13 and 18, most who drop-In to the Youth Centre regularly. The top four logos were then chosen and posted on the Youth Centre Facebook page as well as in the Centre for youth to vote on their favorite. Youth were asked to consider logos that incorporated and fostered qualities such as fun, community, growth, and inclusiveness as a way to reflect the philosophy of the Youth Centre. Karyn's logo will now be included on all Youth Centre documents, on the Youth Centre website, Facebook page, and in the near future in a mural that will be painted by youth in the Youth Centre. Thanks to all youth who submitted a logo and who voted for their favorite. Also, a huge thank-you to Doug Detwiller at Sprockids and Paul Rudolph at Spin Cycles for your time, donations and commitment to supporting youth in the community.
