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The Lizard of Oz

Join Bill Terry as he takes you plant hunting in southeast Australia at the next meeting of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society on Friday, May 4.

Join Bill Terry as he takes you plant hunting in southeast Australia at the next meeting of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society on Friday, May 4.

Terry and his wife Rosemary joined some fellow alpine plant enthusiasts for a photographic safari in Australia during January 2010.

Their quarry was the unique wild flowers, trees and shrubs native to that part of the Australia. They tramped over the Southern Alps, visited eucalyptus forests, alpine meadows and ferny rain forests, and explored the coastline of New South Wales.

Terry will give an illustrated account of this expedition in describing the remarkable beauty and diversity of the plants, life and landscapes in this area, with brief side trips into history, culture and - yes - the Lizard of Oz.

Terry is the author of Blue Heaven: Encounters with the Blue Poppy (Touchwood Editions) and Beyond Beauty: Hunting the Wild Blue Poppy, to be released in August 2012 by the same publisher.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt (Trail and Medusa). Refreshments will be served and SCNHS memberships will be available.

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