A farm support dinner is being planned for Roberts Creek.
Local food production is the platform of food security, and in response, the Sunshine Coast has sprouted the Farm Food Freedom Fighters to help educate citizens of what is occurring to our food politically, in the hopes that one day there will be enough informed Canadians to return power to the rural farmer.
The group is hosting Pitch In, a farm support dinner, on Wednesday, July 29, with the hopes of increasing the local knowledge base, gaining support and raising funds for further and bigger campaigns.
The dinner will be held at the Gumboot Café from 5 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss issues, buy into the $12 farmers' dinner and bid on silent auction items so farmers can keep working. Items for the auction are gratefully received.
For more details on how to be involved, contact Robin at 604-885-4505 with auction items, or call Nancy at 604-885-4668 for dinner tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door, or if not eating, please just join in.
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