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Sunshine Coast Lions raffles raise funds for charities

Shopping Spree Raffle raised $2,641.90 and the quilt raffle raised $3,002.38.
Lions President Bill Conway and Secretary Linda Stroud present raffle winner Dixie Percy with her $750 Clayton’s Gift Certificate.

During December Sunshine Coast Lions were very busy with raffle ticket sales. 

Our Shopping Spree Raffle raised $2,641.90. The winner of the $750 Clayton’s Gift Card is Dixie Percy. 

Thanks to Clayton’s for their continued generous support. 

Our quilt raffle raised $3,002.38. The winner of the beautiful hand made quilt, crafted by Sienna Van Brabant, is Gerrie Stinson.  

We also gave away 17 smaller hand-crafted quilts. These were made and then generously donated by Susan Knowle, a resident of our Greenecourt complex.  All winners have been notified. 

Sunshine Coast Lions is very thankful to everyone who supported our fundraising.  All funds will be used to support local charities.