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Sow Simple is so stunning

They've done it again - the crackerjack team of Christina Symons and John Gillespie has launched their second eclectic gardening book and it's a beauty.

They've done it again - the crackerjack team of Christina Symons and John Gillespie has launched their second eclectic gardening book and it's a beauty.

Once again the pair have used their magic formula of imparting useful information in a charming manner to create another stunning publication.

Their new book, Sow Simple (a great play on words) is jam packed with tips for gardeners and artsy crafters. Laid out in a similar fashion to their first publications, Everyday Eden, the beautiful pictures and witty words are again a feast for the eyes.

Symons, the queen of repurposing, is at her best when she's describing her how-to projects. She turns what many of us would consider garbage into works of art. As always she shares her love of fine food - I dare you to read her blurb about figs without your mouth watering.

Symons has a knack for sumptuous photography that makes the book something you're proud to display on your coffee table. Divided for the most part into one or two page elements, it's an easy book to pick up when you need a little inspiration.

In addition to its beauty this is a practical book. Gillespie's knowledge of all things horticulture will help even the blackest of thumbed novices with the basics. What to plant when, how to construct cold frames, how and when to prune are just some of the subjects covered. If you're one of those people who find yourself at the gardening centre scratching a hole in your head while you try to decide what to buy, have a read of Sow Simple and save your scalp.

Both authors, book and life partners, take environmental stewardship very seriously. There are tips in the book about water-wise flower gardens, indigenous grasses and ways to combat weeds without killer chemicals.

For those of us thoroughly frustrated from dealing with critters that consider our pretty plants their smorgasbord here are some answers on how to discourage Bambi and Rocky Raccoon. Included are tips on what plants to grow and how to discourage stubborn four-legged dinner guests. It's one of the best and most detailed you'll read on pest control. And best of all every idea is cruelty free.

Here's a hint for all you with gardening mothers, give this treasure in May and you're sure to make Mom's best kid list.

You can meet the authors at a reception on April 25 at 7p.m. at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt. Bring money, you'll want to buy the book, it's a keeper.